Monday, January 18, 2010


Ok, Carly, you mentioned tips and here's one that I love! Are you trying to get more vege's and grains into your family's diet? I took a class from a woman who was battling MS and realized that she was not fully keeping the word of wisdom. So she instituted more vege's and grains into her cooking. You can check her out She is free of MS now and is really an inspiration!

I used all my pretty red vege's for a salad that I will post later, but just take any vege's in your fridge and chop them up at the beginning of the week and make a large bowl of grains as well. I like to use millet and quinoa (they seem to blend into almost anything). And add them to every thing you make....i.e enchiladas, sloppy joes, scrambled eggs, pasta dishes, eat it on a sandwich, add to any salad, etc, etc. With ground beef or turkey recipes, you can use half of the meat and substitute quinoa, it works like a charm and my kids don't even know...

Just so you know, red quinoa will be the same color as beef, and white quinoa must be rinsed before using or it can have a bitter taste. Have fun!!


  1. I love this tip! I will definitely be implementing this into my cooking routine, thanks Dana!

  2. Thanks for the tip on my new favorite grain, quinoa. I'm excited to try it mixed with beef in tacos to cut down the fat. Have you noticed much of a difference in flavor between the red and white quinoa?

  3. I can't really taste a difference if the whit is rinsed, but guess what... I headed up to my grain store today, and they are no longer ordering the red quinoa :( I guess I need to find a new store!
